As a new homeschooling mom I can honestly say that it has been a harder experience than I originally anticipated. The Lord began speaking to me about homeschooling over two years ago. My oldest daughter (
Sweet Pea, 8) was enrolled in a public school since Kindergarten. All was going well. I was very active in her school and was on the PTA but something was brewing in my spirit, homeschooling kept popping up. I was back and forth and really unsure and very apprehensive. I prayed:
'Lord, if you are really calling me to do this, you will send the resources and help me be research what I need to do this.' The Lord did an amazing thing and resources and people just came my way in droves. God is so amazing. It first began when I homeschooled my middle daughter (
Cup Cake, 5), when she was in preschool. This was an easy transition as I am a degreed and certified Child Development professional and taught preschool for years. God started me with what I was familiar with first. It was then a year later the Lord had me pull Sweet Pea out of the public school the end of her second grade year. Our youngest (
Sugar Bean, 2.5), well she is potty training and a busy bundle of energy. I most likely will be starting preschool with her pretty early on as she is eager to be doing what her big sisters are doing. It's all a new challenge for me but I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! I will not give up, Lord help me.
I have learned that if you are not called to do this, don't. If you are meant to, you will just know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are supposed to home educate your children. Prior to my journey I talked to so many moms that homeschooled their children and thought they were 'crazy' for lack of a better word. HA! But, God gave me the desires of my heart and here I am today. There have been dark days and discouragement but the Lord has been faithful to carry me through. Honestly, I wouldn't trade this for anything. I love my children and want to raise them up in the way they should go, according to the Bible. If I am disobedient in training my children, I will be held accountable for their lives and they may end up going down the wrong path in life. I do not want this to be. I want the Lord to bless me and my family and the only way this can be achieved is if we are being obedient and diligent! The "
Jewels in my crown (my sweet little girls), will indeed one day earn me heavenly jewels in my crown.' This is why I named my blog "Jewels in my Crown.' Please feel free to share your heart with me and send on over words of encouragement. We are still in the adjustment phase but coming along swimmingly. We started our homeschool journey here at Brandon M. Homeschool Academy the end of August 2011. I will share what the name of our homeschool means in a later post. I am sure you will be touched and blessed by this.
I hope you enjoy my new blog as a homeschooling mom. I just ended my personal blog: Peaceful Island Mother and felt I needed to start over fresh with a new focus and that being connecting with other homeschooling moms and families out there.
God bless you and I look forward to sharing journey. For a play by play of my weeks including crafts, etc., you can view
Lindsey's Journey on homeschoolingindetroit.com. (This is a local source in my state). Enjoy!
Also, if you are looking for excellent deals on children's books and even homeschooling workbooks, foreign language, biographies, etc., check out a site I have partnered with
childrensbookstore.com. To learn more about this endeavor you can view my blog in process titled "lindseyskiddiebooks.blogspot.com.'
Blessed to be a mom!Image: digitalart / FreeDigitalPhotos.net