Homeschooling in itself is a challenge, this I have learned quite well, but it's also extra time to really train my children up in the way they should go. (Proverbs 22:6 Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.)
This verse has been ringing in my head and heart since beginning our homeschooling journey and I want to be obedient. After all, they are only little once and we only get once chance as parents. This really is a big deal.
In the mornings I make it a point to start our day off in prayer as this should be a no brainer as Christians right? Yeah, I can honestly say that I have let a couple mornings accidentally slip due to adjustment periods. I know God knows my heart and that I am trying though. I am sure you can relate. I have been teaching the girls how to pray and hope to take turns with them in the days ahead. We also include Bible reading and scripture memorization. Kelly takes turns reading with me then we discuss it. God is so awesome and I love that we have this opportunity.
I want this to be routine and top priority in starting our day. I also try to make it a point to pray for others. I will be starting a prayer request chart for the girls to be able to write their requests down. I have not made Bible a subject in our homeschooling curriculum. I want it to be a natural thing that we do as unto the Lord, not because we want a good grade. So I eliminated it from our subject line up.
Thank you Lord for this opportunity to train my children (your children) in the way they should go. I know that I will be held accountable for everything I teach them. Lead and guide me through your Word to be your loyal servant. I want to please you Lord.
Many Blessings,
Lindsey Clair
Blessed to be a Wife and Mom
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