Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Planning our Christmas Learning Fun

Well, it's hard to believe Thanksgiving has come and gone.  Christmas is just around the corner.  I am honestly super excited, but at the same time a little stressed.  I need to finish my shopping, who is with me?

In the weeks ahead we will be focusing on the Christmas season with unit studies, videos, lapbooks, recipes, and more. 

We plan on continuing with our library visits once a week.  Yay for books on Christmas.  As far as recipes go, OH YEAH!  Christmas recipes will be an overflow in our house, haha.

What are some fun things you and your family do over Christmas? Unit Studies?  Lapbooks? Maybe field trips?  I am anxious to read all the amazing ideas since this is only our second year of homeschooling.  I am always compiling ideas that may work with our homeschool.  It's always worth giving a shot, right?

When I get a chance, I will post our northern adventures trip for Thanksgiving!  It was a blast. 


My Three Blessings

My Three Blessings
Photo by Emily Haapala Photography


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