Monday, April 20, 2015

Our Tour of Methodist Children's Home in Redford

As a little girl, I have always noticed a beautiful mansion off of one of our local roadways. It wasn't until I was older I learned it was a children's home for neglected and abused children as well as orphans.

For years I always wanted to see what it was like as it looked inviting and hopefully these children were being treated well.

This past week, my family, along with other homeschoolers, got to tour the administration building as well as the campus, etc.

It really opened my girls' eyes to the seriousness of this and how blessed they are to have loving parents.  Right now the Methodist Children's Home in Redford, MI, caters to boys.  The majority have been pulled from abused and neglected homes.  So heartbreaking.  Very few are orphans.  

The average stay in the children's home is 6-8 months.  From Foster Care to Adoption.  They have a variety of programs included volunteer opportunities for families.  To learn more about the Methodist Children's Home including its rich history, visit.

Here are some photos from our field trip.

Administration building lobby (Original tiles 1920's)

Front of Administration Building

One of the original cottages (currently not used)

Goodbye Wall.  When boys are adopted along with date.
Another cottage
Our tour guide.
Beautiful historical chapel currently not used.  Separation of church and state. 

Inside chapel 

Got rained on a couple of times. Back of property.
The back of administration building

Methodist Children's Home also has a nurse on staff, a school, a cyber academy and a recreation center.  They also leave the home to see movies, etc. to live a life as normal as possible.  A couple of boys were curious of all of us and joined our tour, haha.  The youth specialists had to take them back to the cottages.  We didn't want the boys to feel like we were there viewing them like it was a zoo or something.  That would be horrible.

We left the home feeling blessed and would like to return as a family to help out with fun events and donations.  We learned that there are no girls at this facility as they are at a different location called Vista Maria.


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My Three Blessings

My Three Blessings
Photo by Emily Haapala Photography


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