Saturday, March 31, 2012

Blissfully Domestic: Train them up!
Okay so you got me. How on earth could I possibly put the words "blissful" and "domestic" together? This is still a process in our household but if we train our children to do things as unto the Lord then pretty much anything can be blissful through His eyes even the domestic stuff.  Yeah, easier said than done right?  It's going to take a lot of prayer and following through that is for sure.  I have learned that being consistent is key.

Since we are in a "home improvement" transition  along with getting rid of things causing clutter, this whole concept is a challenge in our blessed little home. We are learning to be diligent in what we do have because the Lord is getting ready to entrust us with more and we want to be humbly ready. If we can apply this now it will not be so hard when the time does come for us to move on.  Clutter is the ENEMY! Ugh lol

The Lord showed me a system to encourage domestic skills all the while striving to be joyful and yes, blissful.  Life is certainly not perfect and there will be days when the blissful concept will fail but it's all about attitude and how it is approached.  Sure, there are many days I just want to throw the whole concept out the window because I get so frustrated and discouraged but the Lord has gently whispered to me: "Do I give up on you?"  Yikes, that really got my attention!  Let's not give up on our kids even when we are weary, tired, and frustrated. 

"Lord help us to be diligent in raising up our children for your glory. Help us with our attitudes and help us strive to be diligent so all of our life learning experiences can be joyful and blissful. Life is too short and too blessed to be stressed. Thank you Lord amen!"

Blessed to be a wife and mom!


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My Three Blessings

My Three Blessings
Photo by Emily Haapala Photography


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