Monday, January 7, 2013

Homeschool, Pajama Style!

   Picnic Lunch Homeschool Style: In our Pajamas watching a movie!

Wow, I can't believe it is January 7, 2013, already!  The new year is already going by so quickly.  Our week ahead is going to be a very busy one ranging from homeschooling and the return of extra-curricular activities, to doctor appointments and family events.  Sooooo, because of that, I decided today would be a pajama day with relaxed learning since it's our calmest day of the week.  So far so good.

Here is our learning for the morning:
  • Spelling
  • Writing
  • Math
  • State History ( Notebooking, field trips, etc.)
  • Reading
Lately, we have been taking turns doing Bible devotions.  It's working out very well.  Along with that they are learning about the book of Job and everything he went through.  They are just amazed and I am thrilled they want to find out how it ends for him.  They are also learning ABC Bible verses.  We are on V.  When they can recite all 26 verses at church, I will present them with a trophy that has pink jewels on it.  I can't wait to see their faces when the time comes.  Will certainly post pics on that one.

Kelly and Lyssa, will be wrapping up their Homeschool Connections classes: American Girl History, IE Writing, Spanish, and P.E. Next week is the last week for the semester.  After that, they will be starting  American Girl Part 2, History through Sculpture, Kids Chemistry, and Geography through Culture for the new semester, yay.

I received my first shipment of curriculums for the Schoolhouse Review Crew.  Can't wait to get started on those.  Those will  be disclosed in the final review in February.  Stay tuned for that.

Are you making any changes to your homeschool for the new year?  What are some goals?  Have a blessed week everyone.


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My Three Blessings

My Three Blessings
Photo by Emily Haapala Photography


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