Monday, January 28, 2013

Homeschooling and Snow Days

Well, our good ole' state of Michigan was hit with some sort of ice storm/wintry mix last night which led schools all over Michigan to close their doors this morning.  Hmmm, I have been told it isn't even that bad out there and that maybe the local forecasters scared many with this approaching storm.  I can't speak for west and north of our state, but looking out the window, it's turning to slush and the temps are rising. 

Did we have a snow day in our homeschool?  Nope!  Haha!  We have plenty of days to play in the snow when it is present, but since we do "homeschool" I don't think it necessary to take a day off.  I'm all about getting ahead.  This mom has always been an over achiever, my poor kids. LOL No, this is good and I am so blessed to be able to home educate my children.

Don't get me wrong, we do have our own snow days, but I also incorporate learning into it.  I had a very wise fellow homeschooling mom (of 6), tell me that every day should be a learning experience and should be celebrated.  I love that!  It's so true and should be.  As a second year homeschooling family, I love learning new things from seasoned homeschooling moms.  It helps me so much.

What does your homeschool do with snow days?  Do you have them?  Have a blessed rest of the week.

Image courtesy of my mom, (Diane Carr) on their property!


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My Three Blessings
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