Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Our Second Year of Homeschooling 2012

Well, we have officially started our new homeschool year, our second homeschool year to be exact.  We started Monday, August 27th.  The girls were so excited to start, it really blessed my heart.  So far, it has been running smoothly and wonderfully.  Little Bethany has been added into the homeschool mix with 3 year old preschool learning and fun.  It's a challenge keeping up with 4th grade, 1st grade, and preschool stuff, but it's all working out and for the best.  Kelly and Lyssa are doing A Beka Curriculum and Bethany is doing some preschool A Beka with a variety of other learning materials.

I am relieved we started now as we can slowly add in other activities and homeschool learning to our schedule.  Here's an example of our full schedule starting next week and beyond:
  • Mondays: Homeschool, Chores, Piano Practice, FREE EVENING! Yay!
  • Tuesdays: Homeschool at the Carr Ranch (my parents home in the country), chores, piano practice and Pioneer Girls.  (Christian Girl Scouts type program)
  • Wednesdays:  Homeschool Connections classes in Farmington Hills: Kelly: History American Girl Class and IEWriting program and Lyssa: Fun with Spanish and P.E. and Piano Lessons at home!  Quick chores when we arrive home! We are doing the Homeschool Partnership with Oxford Virtual Academy and Homeschool Connections.
  • Thursdays: Homeschool, chores, piano practice, and Kelly/Gymnastics!
  • Fridays: Homeschool, chores, piano practice, and Lyssa and Bethany/Dance!  Once a month will be Fun Fridays for Homeschoolers at Ward Church so that should be fun too. =)
Of course I have to include my writing schedule and other duties into the mix, but it will all be worth it!

As you can see it will be a very active and busy schedule, but it also looks like it's going to be a lot of fun!  I love planning our own schedule.  This is a definite perk to the whole thing, haha!

Happy Tuesday!

Blessed to be a wife and mom


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My Three Blessings

My Three Blessings
Photo by Emily Haapala Photography


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